Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's that time of year again

So, school is starting up again... Connor started his college writing class (online with North Hennepin Community College) yesterday, and Tiffany had the first of a few orientations today. Next week is "Welcome Week" at the U of MN, where/when she'll get tested for placement, and we'll finally find out what she's taking, the details of her teaching, and just generally what's going on. It'll be great to have her schedule figured out. Next week is also when Connor starts UMTYMP for the year, so it won't be long until school is going full bore.

So little summer left... Pretty soon, scenes like this will be replaced with scenes of snow:

At least there shouldn't be any more construction for a while.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Willow the Biker

Willow is now a biker! She biked on her own the other day for the first time, and hasn't looked back. We went on a 5 mile ride with her yesterday, and she did great, with the occasional dust-up. Here's a video from shortly after she figured it out, after I reminded her that she could turn when she gets to the edge of the parking lot instead of just stopping and picking the bike up:

This will make many aspects of summer easier. Onwards and upwards.

Friday, April 29, 2011

More news

Connor took the Ability to Benefit test the other day at North Hennepin Community College, and he passed - they placed him at the pre-calculus level for math, too. What's Ability to Benefit, you ask? It's a program that lets people who haven't passed high school take college courses. Next up is deciding what courses he's taking, and when. There's a programming class this summer that he's interested in, so that might be where he dips his toe into the water...

Friday, April 15, 2011


If you haven't heard the news, Tiffany made it into the University of Minnesota! We just found out about it this afternoon - the formal acceptance is on its way. Now, to find out all of the details and decide what the best way to proceed is...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Blogging Backlog: PAINT

Back in August (I think), we went to a local arts thing up at a studio in the arts district, where we painted peace-themed paintings. PAINT is a collaborative arts thing among artists in the Twin Cities and artists in the Middle east, and the goal is to promote peace and harmony through the arts. Unfortunately, I don't recall what the acronym stands for, and I can't find the site that talks about it, so that's about the best I can do at the moment.

Anyway, here are our paintings that we did:






Saturday, February 5, 2011

All the news that's fit to print

Tiffany recently auditioned for a new choral group named Hymnos, and found out a couple days ago that she made it in! Congratulations are in order. :)