Saturday, October 2, 2010

Flooding and whatnot

We were walking tonight down on the "frog path," and the path going the other way, and noticed that something was up - the river seemed quite a bit higher than normal. "A couple more feet, and the path would be flooded," I brightly pointed out. After going a couple hundred more feet, we found out that the path was, indeed, flooded out, and in a major way. Check it out:

So, we headed back the other way, and found that there was a barricade blocking the path. We would have seen it, had we gone the normal way and not taken a shortcut because it was starting to get dark. After passing the barricade, we came across another one on the other arm of the trail, the actual "frog path." Wanting to see what that part looked like, we went past that barricade, as well, and went to where the trail should be. No trail - just more river.

Just another one of the many differences between here and Spokane. It makes things more interesting. We don't have to worry about flooding where we are, so no problem there, but we've at least seen evidence to go along with all of the flood warnings the National Weather Service has been putting out over the last few days. It's a different place...

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